BAC I - Files for Download


Course description

This section contains course materials from the winter fall 2024/2025 version of the course.  


[30.09.2024] A new version of the schedule has been uploaded.  

Course meeting times

application/pdf Schedule_BAC1_24Z (183,56 kB, 2/10/2024 12:22)



Course materials



0 Course introduction and syllabus
application/pdf lecture0H (281,09 kB, 1/10/2024 11:58)
1 Introduction to Control Systems
application/pdf lecture1H (5,70 MB, 1/10/2024 10:42)
[DB] 1, [AM] 1
2 The Laplace transform and its applications
application/pdf lecture2H (2,12 MB, 8/10/2024 23:35)
[O] 3-1,3-2, App. A,B
3 Transfer function and dynamic response analysis
application/pdf lecture3H (2,16 MB, 23/10/2024 09:04)
[O] 2-1, 2-2, 4-2, 4-5, [DB] 2.6, 2.7
4 Control systems analysis in state space
application/pdf lecture4H (1,24 MB, 26/10/2024 18:36)
[O] 2-3, 2-4, 2-7, [DB] 2.6, 2.7
5 Frequency analysis of continuous-time signals
application/pdf lecture5H (824,51 kB, 19/11/2024 20:36)
6 Introduction to the frequency response methods
application/pdf lecture6H (169,11 kB, 19/11/2024 20:40)
[O] 7-1
7 Frequency response plots
application/pdf lecture7H (5,94 MB, 24/11/2024 23:03)
[DB] 8.1, 8.2 (p. 496-503), 8.3
8 Stability analysis of linear control systems
application/pdf lecture8H (7,58 MB, 10/12/2024 01:15)
[O] 5-6, [DB] 6.1-6.4


1 Signals in the time domain
application/pdf tutorial1 (1,61 MB, 17/10/2024 17:28)
2 The Laplace transform and its applications
application/pdf tutorial2 (2,48 MB, 4/11/2024 08:03)
2A The Laplace transform and transfer function
application/pdf tutorial2A (1,42 MB, 4/11/2024 08:02)
3 Linearization, transfer function and dynamic response
application/pdf tutorial3 (2,86 MB, 15/11/2024 14:24)
4 Block diagrams of dynamic systems
application/pdf tutorial4 (2,83 MB, 29/11/2024 16:04)
5 Stability of linear feedback systems - algebraic criteria
application/pdf tutorial5 (2,97 MB, 16/12/2024 07:40)
6 Frequency response methods  

Homework assignments

Homework 1
application/pdf Homework assignment 1 (1,07 MB, 16/11/2023 15:53)
application/pdf Homework assignment 1—answers (645,86 kB, 16/11/2023 15:53)
Homework 2
application/pdf Homework assignment 2 (676,70 kB, 3/01/2024 13:09)
application/pdf Homework assignment 2—answers (252,91 kB, 3/01/2024 13:09)

Supplementary content

application/pdf LaplaceTransformTables (333,40 kB, 24/10/2022 19:20)
application/pdf HeatExchanger (2,18 MB, 25/10/2024 19:56)
application/pdf lecture2S (181,54 kB, 9/10/2024 14:16)
application/pdf lecture3S (262,68 kB, 17/10/2024 09:11)
application/pdf lecture4S (225,30 kB, 26/10/2024 18:37)
application/pdf 19ways+ (549,38 kB, 26/10/2024 18:38)
application/pdf blockDiagrams (159,84 kB, 26/10/2024 18:38)
application/pdf Fourier (7,94 MB, 13/11/2024 00:10)
application/pdf lecture5S (716,14 kB, 19/11/2024 20:36)
application/pdf lecture7S (796,58 kB, 24/11/2024 23:04)
application/pdf LogScale (17,18 kB, 24/11/2024 23:04)
application/pdf semilogPaper (24,88 kB, 24/11/2024 23:05)
application/pdf RHStabilityComment (60,89 kB, 10/12/2024 01:17)
application/pdf Lyapunov (2,62 MB, 10/12/2024 01:18)
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